Monday, April 21, 2008

Boys in the Hood (my Fatherhood, that is)


Do you know what this is?

Yes, it's a video tape (yes, we still have a VCR too). But that's not what I want you see. Look closer...

Do you see it? Zoom in and focus on the spool of the videotape. It’s supposed to be round.

Figure it out yet?

It took me a while at first too. The other day I was trying to put in a video for boy 2—"Veggie Tales: Madame Blueberry,” to be specific. It’s a good story about contentment and Mr. Lunt’s “Cheeseburger” song is priceless—a favorite in these here parts, but I digress… Anyway, I started to shove the tape into our VCR (yes, we still watch things on it) when something caught my eye. The video’s spool was more of an oblong shape rather than its typical roundness. Closer examination revealed what appeared to be a bite of a chicken nugget somehow wedged between the reel and tape.

Think about it—just how in the world could a former member of Chick-fil-A four-piece kid’s meal wind up in this position? There’s no point of entry. Even if there was, how could the video tape get perfectly wrapped around the nugget and the spool? It defies all logic and laws of physics. I couldn’t even come close to getting it out. How long it’s been in there is a mystery solved only by… I have no idea... carbon dating?

Instead of trying to figure it out, I just took in the moment, thinking this was actually some kind of unique acheivement for whoever did it. Honestly, I didn't know whether to be proud of the fact that history will probably never witness something else like this again or if I should be a little afraid of what else I might discover in the future as these boys grow older and get into more things.

Moral of the story: By all means, eat more chicken. Just keep an eye on your kids while they’re doing it.

BTW—We didn’t bother seeing if the tape still played, fearing that somehow the nugget would be forced out and into the bowels of the VCR, which has had (and probably still does) its share of Hot Wheels and Legos inside (but it still works). This is yet another reason why we only buy DVDs now.

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